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The Scale of G major has two sharps. True or false?
The scale of D major has 2 sharps. True or false?
The scale of C major has one flat. True or false?
The scale of F major has got no sharps or flats. True or false?
C sharp is the third degree of D major. True or false?
F sharp is the seventh degree of G major. True or false?
B flat is the fourth degree of F major. True or false?
A melody in a specific key uses the notes found in the scale for that same key. True or false?
All the major key scales follow the same pattern of Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Semitone. True or false?
A key signature is written between the clef and the time signature. True or false?
When a key signature is used, we use accidentals through out the score to show which notes should be sharpened or flattened. True or false?
Which notes are sharpened in the scale of D major?
F and G
F and C
B and D
C and G
Which note is sharpened in the scale of G major?
Which note is flattened in the scale of F major?
Which note in the scale below is not part of F major? Is it the note labeled with 1, 2, 3, or 4?
Which note in the scale below is not part of D major? Is it the note labeled with 1, 2, 3, or 4?
Which degree of D major is this?
Which degree of G major is this?
Which degree of F major is this?
Which degree of C major is this?
In which key does the melody below belong?
C major
G major
D major
F major
The melody below is in G major. Two notes in the melody will need sharps. Identify the bars with the notes.
Bar 1 and bar 2
Bar 1 and bar 3
Bar 2 and bar 3
The melody below is in D major. Which bar does not have any note that needs an accidental?
Bar 1
Bar 2
Which key uses the following key signature?
Give the full names for the notes labeled 1 and 2
C and B flat
C and B
B flat and D
Give the full names for the notes labeled 1, 2, and 3.
D, C sharp and F sharp
F and C sharp
D, C and F
What is wrong with the D major time signature below?
It needs 2 flats, not sharps
It is written in the wrong place, it should be before the clef.
The sharps are written on the wrong lines / spaces
What is wrong with the G time signature below?
It needs a flat, not a sharp.
What is wrong with the F time signature below?
It needs a sharp, not a flat
Name each numbered note in the melody below.
F natural, F natural
F sharp, F natural
F sharp, F sharp
Name each numbered note in the melody below:
B flat, B flat
B flat, B natural
B natural, B natural
C sharp, C natural, F sharp
C natural, C sharp, F natural
C natural, C natural, F sharp
B natural, B flat
D natural, D flat
F natural, G Sharp
F natural, F sharp
D natural, D sharp